Your Loan Officer should have one goal in mind - getting you into your new home as quickly as possible and with ease! Here are 3 ways you should expect them to help you:
1. No Surprises. A good loan officer should be in constant communication with you. You should never be surprised if there is a hold up or delay that might ultimately affect your closing, still, your loan officer should communicate with you at every step throughout the process.
2. Solutions, Not Problems. A good loan officer is behind the scenes solving problems. He/she will run interference and do everything to keep your closing on schedule. If it's something you need to do, you should be notified right away so that you can do your part in following through and keeping everyone's stress level at a minimum.
3. A bag of tricks. Your loan office should have multiple opportunities for financing so that finding the right one for you is easily possible. He/she should be able to completely explain the mortgage program you select and how it will be to live with your mortgage while you live in your new home. This means knowing you in addition to their mortgage products.
Don't be intimidated! It can seem daunting and complicated, but a good loan officer (and a good Realtor) will make every step of the way an easy step for you.
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